Heritage Charter Academy is a member of the CHOICE Charter School Services management company.
CHOICE – (C)ollaborative (H)elpful (O)rganization (I)ndividualizing (C)harter (E)xcellence focus is to ensure high performance school leadership in each managed school. Critical areas of focus include student achievement, compliance, budget, student retention and highly effective innovative teachers and practices.
For more information about CHOICE, please visit: www.choicecharterschoolservices.com
Message from Dr. Angela Combs
Welcome to the Heritage Charter Academy Family. Gold will only shine if the impurities are separated in the crucible of fire. We took a chance on a school that few cared about and most left without hope and direction. With a core of dedicated successful teachers and a wonderfully dynamic principal we have become a family. A family that will help each other, to be honest and transparent with each other, and strive to make the best environment and school for the students to be successful academically, socially, and physically on the way to becoming well-rounded young people and citizens. We are so happy that you have and are willing to take a look at our school and the people whom are involved on a daily basis. We are a small family and strive to keep our school a safe sanctuary for our students to excel.

“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change”
~William Dyer